(Fancy) Macaroni & Cheese

I loves me some mac & cheese. I usually make a very traditional one with sharp yellow cheddar and sometimes bacon. This time, I decided to mix it up. I actually made this a few days ago, but I couldn’t decide what to call it. I refuse to call this “grown-up” macaroni & cheese, which you often hear similar recipes called. Complex flavors don’t make it only palatable for adults. My toddler dug it. In fact, I dare say she loved it. I also don’t care for snooty food buzz words, like “reinvented.” So I fell back to just using it’s actual name, macaroni & cheese, and called it fancy. The parenthesis are merely to easily distinguish it from my original recipe… should I ever choose to post that. It reheats fabulously for leftovers, and it if you have a small family like ours, you will have plenty left.

(Fancy) Macaroni & Cheese

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